Welcome to the 2021-2022 school
My role in your Child’s school year is based on their Individual Education Plan (IEP) and to help them feel safe and successful in my classroom and at Rigby Middle School.
Course Description
The Goals Lab Class is designed to address basic skill deficits in Academic Areas on an as-needed or individual basis. Students must of a documented disability and a current IEP to be eligible for the Goals Lab Class.
While in the Goals Lab Classroom, students will be receiving skills taught in the areas of Math and/or English Language Arts and/or Social-Emotional skills. Students who have previously master these skills and do not have them on their IEP will act as a peer model, this will reinforce their strengths.
Grading is based on PARTICIPATION and is broken down as follows: focusing on teacher instructions; following directions; and showing respect to teachers, classmates, and self through actions and language. And trying/completing/turning in assignments. It is simple. Students will be taught to honestly grade themselves. However, if they are not honest in their grading, the teacher reserves the right to change the grade to reflect accurate scoring.
Course Expectations
Homework will not be assigned for this class; all work will be done during class. Absent work will be available on Schoology, including the audio chapter for the Novel Study this trimester. Students are expected to have a pencil every day in class. Daily Respect to everyone in the room will be required.